Friday, March 14, 2008

C & E


I went through an article in some newspaper in the ‘raddi’ the other day….

It was about the bus carrying pilgrims that crashed over the ravine near Nashik…

The ones that survived and/or missed that ill-fated bus said that they were blessed by God…

Good on you, but…….does this mean that God betrayed those who died in that crash?

Shouldn’t he be blessing everyone especially since they were on a pilgrimage?

Does this mean he was playing with the people? Things like, “Whoever prayed more to me shall survive…the rest shall die!”

Personally, I don’t think God would work that way….

So, in retrospect, I believe that the real reason those people died was because the other people had to live. Karma including. They needed to survive to tell the world something or do something… what is it, even I don’t know… maybe they had to survive because God wanted me to write this article…


The rule which the universe works upon…

There’s no positive that arises if its negations aren’t felt…

If there’s no demand there’s no supply…as simple as that….

If there are no wars, there is no concept of ‘peace’….coz then the word peace would be just another word….

One more point; don’t fear death …. If you are scared to die, then it’s no point living….

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