Thank You Nashahita for giving me this challenging topic to write on.I hope not to dissapoint you as well as the readers...Enjoy in good spirit!
Q:Ok,What's this Black Hole thing??
A:Wikipedia defines a Black hole as "An object with a gravitational field so powerful that a region of space becomes cut off from the rest of the universe – no matter or radiation, including visible light, that has entered the region can ever escape."
and now,a non Scientific Defination:A Wife/Girlfriend.
explained:The object [A Wife/Girlfriend.] has a gravitational field[sob stories,crocodile tears,power of seduction etc etc.,] so powerful,that a region of space[her husband/Boyfriend] becomes cut off from the rest of the universe[his group of friends]-no matter or radiation including visible light,that has entered the region can ever escape[hear it means,once u're married/steady,u have no chance of escaping anywhere else]
Q:What makes a Black Hole so damn difficult to escape from??
A:If your Wife/Girlfriend covers all paths you take,no matter where you search for a road to freedom,U will get screwed up and find it difficult to escape!
Quote Einstein,"“Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember”"..
Q:Are there any types which we need to know?
A:Types of Black Holes:astrophysicists currently classify black holes according to their angular momentum (non-zero angular momentum means the black hole is rotating) and electric charge:
Uncharged-Rotating,Uncharged non-rotating,Charged-Rotating,Charged non-rotating.
1.Uncharged-Rotating:Wherein your wife isn't mad yet,but is still keeping a 360 deg lookout on you.
2.Uncharged non-rotating:The more calmer of the lot;rare to find on earth!
3.Charged-Rotating:Wherein your wife is damn mad at you,and is keeping a 360 deg look out on you!The worst black hole to be in.There have been no survivors recorded in this type.Say your prayers because you are already screwed!
4.Charged non-rotating:Wherein the wife's mad,but doesn't give a damn to keep a tab on you.2nd most preferred choice for people,but again rare to find!
Q:OK,Is there a possibilty to escape from rotating black holes?
A:If the predictions of Kerr's solution are found to be true,rotating black holes could theoretically provide the wormholes which often appear in science fiction. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the internal properties of a rotating black hole are exactly as described by Kerr's solution and it is not currently known whether the actual properties of a rotating black hole would provide a similar escape route for an object via the inner event horizon.Even if this escape route is possible, it is unlikely to be useful because a spacecraft which followed that path would probably be distorted beyond recognition by spaghettification.
Q:Are Black Holes a threat to us?
A:Scientifically,"Black holes are sometimes listed among the most serious potential threats to Earth and humanity,on the grounds that:
*A naturally-produced black hole could pass through our Solar System.
*A large particle accelerator might produce a micro black hole, and if this escaped it could gradually eat the whole of the Earth."
Q:So,is there any hope?
A:Well of course there's hope...Why do you think majority of the scientists who dealt with this topic were men?Its all thanks to them that we now understand black holes better!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
SSC results are out,BUT...!!!
The SSC results will be declared today,June 26 '07...My memories go back to the day of my SSC Result...After waiting for months and discussing various career choices,me and my friends waited anxiously for that day.After all,this result would define which college would we go into...more the percentage,better the college.I ,along with my school and tuition friends[Nik,Abhi and all],went to Phadkewadi's Ganesh Temple...then,after meeting out tuition sir,we all went to a press office at Ambewadi...we stood in a line waiting for our results to be declared to the press...we were so impatient that we couldn't wait till that afternoon,when our school(St.Teresas' High) would give us our results.
After waiting for a long time,we came to know that the result list would come in the press only after 2 or 3 pm...we felt no sense in waiting,and decided to go home and then after having lunch,make our way to school.On our way home,my friend who seemed nonchalant about the outcome,was asked by another friend,"Why the hell you not tense today?".He replied,"arrey,i know i am passing yaar.."."we all will pass,but u not worried about your percentage?good college?"...then my friend said something which in the years to come would be the most talked about and debated subject in India..."I'll get in to Sydenham very easily yaar...they have an OBC i'll easily get in!!".We weren't shocked to hear this,in fact we laughed along with him,not knowing that 5-6 years down the line,there would be morchas,debates and what-nots against Reservation and quotas...
We got our result,I attained 70.13%[many ppl were shocked to hear i got those many marks...i was shocked too!!]We all Hi-Fived,danced on the school grounds[our school had a 100% record...still has,touchwood!]
After going through our version of hell[that was when we were 15-16 yrs old only],we would later realise that we hadn't still entered Hell!Life was just to begin,and we would enter a new phase in our lives...I gained admission into Lala Lajpatrai College @Mahalaxmi,which,too, would be a major experience for me.I had got admission in KC after 10th,through someone,but something inside my head made me decline the same...I still don't know what made me change my decision,but i feel now that i really justified it to an extent.
Nowadays students are pressurized so much to study hard,I wonder what they must be going through mentally.The state of depression,which in case of students of 14-16 years,was almost unheard of 10-15 years ago,is been seen and read everyday in the the news.The state of education in Maharashtra is not great,especially with teachers being paid low salaries...Peons in corporates seem to earn more than a School-teacher.Recently in the news,there was an article about how BPOs are willing to employ English school teachers,because of their skill.If all teachers are to be employed,there would definately be a scarcity of 'Good' English teachers.
The problem lies in the system...Some people say that SSC pattern of examination is the best,because it helps in building up a student's memory...Hell,ya right!!Our pattern has become so outdated that its no surprise that students from the CBSE board do far better as compared to the SSC[which upgrades its syllabus once every 10 years!]
There lies some hope in the fact that the Mathematics[Algebra and Geometry] syllabus was upgraded this year.Students now have topics related to Commerce,which were not even considered 10 years back..topics like Interest,Taxation etc will be far more helpful for a commerce or an arts student 20 years down the road than would a topic like trigonometry..
All in all,hope the students do well,get in to good colleges and make a good career for themselves.Even if things don't go as per plan and you get something less than expected,Cry if you want on that day[coz it relieves urself]...but from the next day,make sure that you learn from your mistakes and carry on....that's it-Carry on!!
After waiting for a long time,we came to know that the result list would come in the press only after 2 or 3 pm...we felt no sense in waiting,and decided to go home and then after having lunch,make our way to school.On our way home,my friend who seemed nonchalant about the outcome,was asked by another friend,"Why the hell you not tense today?".He replied,"arrey,i know i am passing yaar.."."we all will pass,but u not worried about your percentage?good college?"...then my friend said something which in the years to come would be the most talked about and debated subject in India..."I'll get in to Sydenham very easily yaar...they have an OBC i'll easily get in!!".We weren't shocked to hear this,in fact we laughed along with him,not knowing that 5-6 years down the line,there would be morchas,debates and what-nots against Reservation and quotas...
We got our result,I attained 70.13%[many ppl were shocked to hear i got those many marks...i was shocked too!!]We all Hi-Fived,danced on the school grounds[our school had a 100% record...still has,touchwood!]
After going through our version of hell[that was when we were 15-16 yrs old only],we would later realise that we hadn't still entered Hell!Life was just to begin,and we would enter a new phase in our lives...I gained admission into Lala Lajpatrai College @Mahalaxmi,which,too, would be a major experience for me.I had got admission in KC after 10th,through someone,but something inside my head made me decline the same...I still don't know what made me change my decision,but i feel now that i really justified it to an extent.
Nowadays students are pressurized so much to study hard,I wonder what they must be going through mentally.The state of depression,which in case of students of 14-16 years,was almost unheard of 10-15 years ago,is been seen and read everyday in the the news.The state of education in Maharashtra is not great,especially with teachers being paid low salaries...Peons in corporates seem to earn more than a School-teacher.Recently in the news,there was an article about how BPOs are willing to employ English school teachers,because of their skill.If all teachers are to be employed,there would definately be a scarcity of 'Good' English teachers.
The problem lies in the system...Some people say that SSC pattern of examination is the best,because it helps in building up a student's memory...Hell,ya right!!Our pattern has become so outdated that its no surprise that students from the CBSE board do far better as compared to the SSC[which upgrades its syllabus once every 10 years!]
There lies some hope in the fact that the Mathematics[Algebra and Geometry] syllabus was upgraded this year.Students now have topics related to Commerce,which were not even considered 10 years back..topics like Interest,Taxation etc will be far more helpful for a commerce or an arts student 20 years down the road than would a topic like trigonometry..
All in all,hope the students do well,get in to good colleges and make a good career for themselves.Even if things don't go as per plan and you get something less than expected,Cry if you want on that day[coz it relieves urself]...but from the next day,make sure that you learn from your mistakes and carry on....that's it-Carry on!!
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