Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Well...

Filled with despondency… I really was. June 13-14 2008. Friday the 13th was bad as the day is.
Whilst coming home, my mind was racing with thoughts…Thoughts that caused disconsolateness...
Nox arrived, away from the Sun.
My lachrymal gland worked overtime that night.
T’was now 11-ish. Nothing to do. Put on the radio on my mobile. Dean Martin playing on 107.1 FM.
Then suddenly, I came across a well. It was nearing dusk.
Melancholia taking over.
Descended down the well.
Staring down at the bottom of the well.
Now I know why people meant that phrase…
It’s so sad to see the bottom of the well…
A well’s disfigured life with all the trash at the ground…
You feel your own life moving towards it, towards the junk..,
Waiting to bide time till it takes over.
I saw many dead at the bottom…
I cried…
Fate had decided itself.
What’s this fluttering around?
A Butterfly to keep me company till I descend?
It was a Black Butterfly…But so beautiful!
As I was descending, I saw it rest on the surface of the water.
My legs now touched the surface of the final frontier.
Slowly now I thought… resigned to Fate…
The Butterfly took in its wings, sat.
There was no reflection of it…
I kept on watching, waiting for the reflection…
I could see no one except the sky.
The Sky!
It existed…
The fact that it manifested was proof enough of its existence, waiting to be touched.
The B’fly raised it wings.
Flew skywards..
Saw up I did.
Far away I was from up.
It still existed…
I just needed to trust it…
And for no rational motive, I did…
Came the Butterfly, overgrown now to size dragon-like…
Lifted me from my descent… by its claws
And raised me high
Oh, what a beautiful feeling!
To touch the untouchable sky…
Flipping in air, to music
Screamed I…
And opened my eyes, Dean Martin had stopped; Tom Jones was now playing…
My ticket was redeemed…
Switched Off my mobile; went to sleep.
Woke up, things were unchanged.
There was Hope...

1 comment:

Shampa said...

Great..! Keep the faith..!! :-)