Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rendezvous with Mr. Helios

“Well, Hello!Seeing you after a bit, eh Sol….All this rain and everything. Howz u been hiding behind the clouds?”

Helios: “Heh! Hiding eh? Oh well,I’ll take that. Been so different you know;Was at my fullest glory in May..and now, come June, I’m eclipsed by the clouds. Job hazards,one of them, this is!”

M: “Oh ya… But man, no offense, but there are many people over here that are glad that u into ‘hiding’. You were shining so hard this year between March and May that people wished that you went away…Of course you shouldn’t… but still…people were saying that!”

H: “Hmm…I know. Heard from Brother Zeus that day whilst I was in Greece the other day. Also Narad Muni… Felt a bit down that night. But then, It was night.”

M: ‘Ya, I know.. very depressing.’

H: “But what the heck, I gotta go back to work the next day anyways. Work is worship…at least for me!’

M: ‘Coming from someone who’s worshipped all over the world, that’s humble!’

H: ‘Ya Sid…You see, people will attack you all the time-be it at work or off work. Some would rather want me sinking in the ocean in the West and never come back. But then, you know, no matter how tiring the day was; you should just get back on our feet and start shining the next day!”

M: “Wow…but then, people will start all over again. They’ll say ‘Oh, here he comes again “

H: “Yup… they will.. and so may their sons and daughters and grandchildren. Understand, my dear brother, that if you are doing something with the right intentions, you will never go wrong!”

M: “Heyy?!! That’s what my friend said too! What a coincidence!”

H: “Then you surely have made a good friend Sid…I know… and may the heavens bless your friend” “Coming back to what I was saying… Yes, if you do something with the honest of intentions, no one…not even the greatest of Gods can punish you”

M: “Greatest of Gods… who’s that?"

H: “Let’s leave that shall we… unless you want religious riots or something!”

M: “Ok Ok…”

H: “You know Sid… The fact that I have to hide myself from the world is the result of my own karma!”

M: “Uhhh!!! You!! And Karma… explain dear brother!”

H: “You know, when given a chance to do something we like, how we tend to go to the highest limits to shine brightly?”

M: “Ya…I think”

H: “Well, when its March, I sorta shine with too much pride. You know that…At the same time, As I am shining, The waters of Oceania (The Oceans), The Seas, and every water element on terra firma evanesces. And when all elements of Nature coincide,(Geography and Science taking over), It rains! So you see, my actions lead to my own judgement. The more I shine, the more it shall rain. The more it rains, the less I am seen."

“But then don’t you see that everytime?”

H: “I do…initially, I objected to the Rain Gods. But then, as I grew older, I realized one thing… They couldn’t hold me back for long. I realized that Gaia had thought things out well. She knew things which not many did at that time. She told me ‘Helios, What you are going through is understandable. But despair not, thy moment shall arrive. The Circle of Life is just. “Pactum serva ; Keep the faith”” M: “Oh ok…”

H: “So after a long drawn monsoon, when the clouds exhausted all their might, It was my turn to come back; just as the laws said I would. For my patience, I was rewarded…reward being the chance to shine sometimes during the monsoon. And as a token of my goodwill, I gave birth to the rainbow.”

“So you see Sid, its important to know that resurrection is possible through hope… by being true to yourself and your own self first, and then to others. What you sow, you reap. The laws of the Universe work in ways strange for the common man, but they work fine. Believe in them, but believe in yourself first.” M: “Hmm… You speak wisely, as always Helios.”

H: “And remember Sid, arrogance will get you nowhere…You know what happened between me and the wind sometime back right?”

M: “Yea..I remember reading about it in my 1st standard English text book. But that was way back in 1991-92 yaar… Care to refresh?”

H: “Hmm..of course…T’was during winter when I met Mr. Wind (blowing away a bit arrogantly that day). He came upto me and said “Ha…Sol! They call you powerful! Obviosly they haven’t seen the best of me yet!”. I said back, “Dear Wind, There is no one greater or smaller. We are all equals.” Obviously that didn’t go well with him and he challenged me. He saw this villager wrapped around a blanket (This was around 6:30 morning btw). Said he, ‘Aditya(I was in India this time, hence he called me by my Indian name), I Challenge you to blow away the blanket from the body of this man!”. I sensed his arrogance. I told him to proceed first. He started with great pomp and pride.. Blowing away at that man…But the more he blew himself, the more determined that man became to catch the blanket. Half an Hour passed…and then the Wind said (with its arrogance intact) “Think You can do better??!!!”

M: “And??”

H: “And what? I just had to shine. (I’m hot , you see!). No sooner I came, than that man took off his blanket, and proceeded onwards to his destination. So you see, the larger the pride, the easier it is for someone to bring you down”

M: “Gosh… That was nice…Of course we didn’t have you account of how it happened, as well as the moral of the story…But It was nice to hear that again…especially after 17 years!”

H: “Well, its night now, and you gotta have dinner now. Go fast or mum will blame me for keeping you all night. I’ve got nothing to do now na…except shine in the southern hemisphere.. but that shift’s ok…It’s the northern hemisphere I am worried about, especially with the Developed nations who are almost screwing things up. Heh!” “Take care Sid, go now… And remember, Life gives you a chance to come back-be it next morning or the next season…but you do get a chance.”

M: “Heavens bless you Helios….Shine on!”

H: “Cheers…!"

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