Friday, May 6, 2011

I hate Love!

I hate love, because it exists,
and there's always no Dettol to treat those cut open, slit wrists!

I hate love, coz it makes me so weak,
Look lifeless like those mimes, those who can't speak...

I hate love, coz it takes away all my sense,
The only thing I can think of, is Rajnikanth shouting "Naan-sense!"

I hate love, because I know, in it, I'll die,
choking me slowly, like a tight-wound school necktie....

 I hate love,coz of the illusion it brings,
I can't eat it, like real onion rings...

I hate love- I won't fall again, no encore;
But God just won't take it out of my life's brochure!

I hate love, coz I ain't its shepherd,
I'm like a lost sheep, lost after a severe blizzard...

Why then, do I still love?
Answers I have none, coz Love is indeed weird,
Funny at times, at times I feel it's feared,
Still burning myself- like a mouthful of clove...

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