Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Scars and Stripes

Either you roll over, wallow in depression and die sadly with no one giving a shit for you because no one wants to know you now ,or you simply fight back and live your own.

Things don't go as per plan. You make wrong decisions... You sort of become very complacent, people start misunderstanding you... In short, whatever screw-ups have to happen, happen at once.

Started to doubt myself, I did. What is this going on?

Was sad, and there was no one around. After all, who wants to be seen around a depressed person? Everyone's too busy and engrossed in their own lives.

O freakin hell, were those really days or living nightmares? Couldn't know the difference if it wasn't for father time.

And O' hell, the Insecurity! damn,... So Insecure that you hardly trusted your own life to wake you up the next day...


You ever come across a situation where you have absolutely nothing? Nothing to fall back on? Nothing at all... even the family can't understand you then.

This was a few years back...

A few days back, I found myself in such a situation again. It could have repeated again, the entire process of wallowing is grief, the excess thinking (which I believe still prevails, guess thinking too much is one aspect of mine that won't go off), but then I didn't.

Why is it that I didn't go through the same again?

I felt a sense of insecurity creeping in, also a bit of sadness. Yet, I didn't go down this time.

I went back to my past, and faced it. I guess, Its over now. Its done with.

Know no fear towards the vanquished lest the fear brings back the vanquished to life.

The reason why scars exist after the deepest wounds is not to remind ourselves of the wound... I guess it exists to let us know that all wounds, no matter how deep, will definately heal.

I felt that scar. It was there...It is still there. Reminds me why I didn't lose. Because I saw the wound through. I may get cut again. But I now know how to nurture the wound.

People commit suicide because they feel that the wound they have should be healed in the fastest time possible. If it doesn't then they lose all hope and do hara-kiri. The emptiness, the coldness of relationships, lack of success- all contribute to a person tying the noose around his neck.

That's the fine line I guess... Holding your nerve when the situation warrants it to. Have enough nerve to heal the wound into a scar-A scar ain't negative.

I just hope that we realize we are living in a world where people hardly have time. No one's gonna be with you all the time. People could get bored of you, and move on... You'll feel sad and what-not. People will also misunderstand your feelings for them and try to move away from you... Many things are possible.

I ain't Mr. Perfect that I'm gonna bounce right back like a jumpin' bean... Its just that I written this to provide myself a brief glimpse of what I went through. I may read this post again after a year, and may laugh at it, You may read this post now and laugh!

Whatever it is, the shortcomings and all, acknowledge them. Empower yourself to overcome them.

That's when you look at the scar and feel justified that you had to go through all of that.

All will be well... It works out perfectly. Things just work out.

Realise this, and that's when you know your scars have earned you your stripes.

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