Friday, November 27, 2009

The Ocean, The horizon and Life..

Imagine you're at Chowpatty beach...
Look into the ocean... what do you see? an endless view of water sashaying across itself and over the shore... time and time again... the sound of the waves hitting the shores comforts you. you feel at peace, never mind the delirious honking at Marine Drive by cars and buses...

Have you looked into the horizon lately?

Stare at the long distance, you'll see a line. You wonder like a 5 year old," Is that the end of it all, that line?" You wonder, keep on wondering...and then you realise that the line is not the end...but instead it's the beginning of the world ahead for you.

The ocean is such a simple yet mysterious thing... it gives the indication that its so damn lazy, yet it travels almost half the world. No one person would have seen the world as much as the experienced ocean.

It has so much freedom too... we require visas to go to foreign shores...but the ocean- it just goes in... and no one to stop it.

Fishermen, Navy, Terrorists- Everyone loves the ocean as much as they fear it... The Ocean too is neutral I guess. It has no attachment to anyone or anything; It just goes with the flow.

Yet, in all of this unlimited boundary of an ocean, we still dont see what's ahead of the horizon. The Ocean waits for us to wish for it both Hello and Good bye... It wants us to come to the point of your horizon, and gradually make you realise that its not the end yet- It never is. Life goes on. After the pursuit and achievement of one, you get another to pursue and achieve.

Come to me, it says, and realise that this point is not the end...In fact, we're just on the brink of starting it now....

I would like to dedicate this post to all those who made me see the above. They know who they are... they are the most special people in my life... Bless you all.

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