Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mea Vulnerabilis

Mea Vulnerabilis, thy will not become an anthem,
I have showcased you my susceptibility...
I feel hatred towards love...
Why do I do what I don't want to do...
Why do I feel empty despite having a full head....
Why do I stutter despite not saying anything?
Why does the sky fall even if i have held it up with everythin I have?
Why do people call themselves people?
Why are we who we are?
All of this causes me harm....
I run and run and run and run...
I stay rooted to where I am...
I find myself in another place...
I am dead, yet breathing...
My heart beats, yet my pulse doesn't...
I hear things, feel things, see things...
But they don't exist...
I feel I am insane,
Yet my sanity is still there...
I can see...what I have got myself into..
Played into the hands of Vulnerability...
No prayers can get you out...nor me
The Anthem of Mea Vulnerabilis...
Know what is to be known, Learn what is to be learnt...
Thus, The Hanged Man's efforts never went in vain...
Because He wanted it, and after death he did,
and he went on to live even after his death...
It is difficult to know where Yggdrasil is for me...
But I know, It is there for me...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What is needed to be known...

Why does a tear fall when I cry?
Why does my heart beat?
Why does it not stop?
Why do my eyes frown when I am tense?
Why does my heart become sad when I become sad?
Why, in all loneliness, I think...I think too much only to think more...
Why do people think like they do?
Why do I think about people and the way they think?
Why do i type now and think about people and think how they think?
Why am I confusing you?
Why am I confusing myself in confusing you?
Why are you reading this?
Why are you here?
What if you weren't here?
What if you were someplace else?
What if you were someone else?
What if that other person, who was you, wasn't you?
Would you be you?
So, I've proved, from the above... I feel for you, I'd cry for you, My heart would beat for you, I would be tense for you, so that you wouldn't be anyone else than YOU!
Thanks for being who you are and comin into my life....
Who is it, you may ask?
That person knows....maybe...
But I know that person will read this...
And ask, 'what's gotten into you?? '
And then I shall answer....
I shall answer the question...
But 1st, I need to be asked this question by that person only...
So that I know...
So that I know...
What is needed to be known.

Why do the righteous suffer?

Why do the righteous suffer?
Before you answer this question, ask yourself first - How do you define 'righteous'?
Many references and dictionaries later, I concluded thus-A morally justified person.
So, why does a 'morally justified person', who obeys all the rules and treatises laid down by religion or law of the land, suffer?
Why does a friend, who amongst us is the most religious, has to suffer and see his mom pass away because of some one else's bĂȘtise?
Why does a person,a priest at that, has to suffer and see his son die before him and he cannot do anything?
Why does a person, who has blind faith in God, has to see his family break down in front of him?
Why does a person, who is involved in charity and healing the sick, has to bear the suffering of losing love when it matters the most for him?
What about a person who sacrifices his whole life for his family, but is kicked on his backside when he asks his kin for support in old age?
What about a person who has never got the love required from another person(who should have actually done so), and now that other person behaves in the worst possible manner with them?
Where is religion when it fails to hear the screams of the needy?
Where is Law during times of injustice?
With these instances, I do not wish to highlight and gain your sympathy for them... coz I don't want you to think that I am just making these up....
The more I delve into these lives,I seem to ask myself...Why does God wanna do things like this? Is he trying to act like a bully? Stan Lee has remarked," With great power comes great responsibility"...Never a truer line of is God acting irresponsibly?
I would like to bring up a case,which you may argue till times' end...
Someone's close relative passed away.... It was death through suffering. On the day of the condolence meet, people said,"...Maybe (the close relative) is up with God and looking down at us right now..."; "...Maybe God willed it so because he was testing you,and the strong person that you are, you will probably fet through this"
Hmmm...I ask...So if the person was less strong, would the relative have lived on? What proof exists that the person is upp there next to God??
There's one school of thought that says "If you sin, you are punished"...So, why have the people ,mentioned above and who definately would have sinned far,far less than your average crooked person, to suffer more than the crooked person, who probably is raking in and enjoying his life to the max? If God decided to punish the righteous just because they may have committed a sin,that too maybe unknowingly, then isn't God trying to prove that he is the biggest bully? Coz he knows he can control the righteous, but not the persistent sinners. Some will say that after their life, their souls will be punished..Ok...Any proof?
So, WTF God thinks he(?) is???
Ok,let's see this from God's perspective.... Imagine you are God...So, why would you do the above things?
For the kicks?
Why do you do something to others that you won't do to yourself?
Hmm...ok, let's play a answer my question taking everything I have said above into account. I would love to hear your views on the same.Once we get on exchanging ideas, we can help us understand each other. You can give me your views-Whatever they are!

Have you ever...?

Have you ever got an evil, malevolent thought?
For eg, when you wished ill of a person without ever realizing it?
If you have realized it, then that makes it more significant...
Why is it that we say something and then regret we said it later? Coz, we have already said it,right?
How can we take something back which can't be taken back?
Normally, We all try to be as good as possible...But when a moment comes that our mouth works faster than our minds, all that 'trying to be good' thing comes to a null.
We will curse people....curse them that either they slip on a banana peel or just curse them the worst.When it comes true, the emotional reaction you show determines what type a person you are.
Agreed that this is all subjective, and may not apply to everyone.
I will not continue this further as I don't know what the solution is.
For those who I may have inadvertently said these things, I do not ask for forgiveness.Saying sorry has lost its meaning a long time ago.
Only Hope, that things turn out well...for everyone concerned.
As far as people against me are concerned,I have forgiven everyone except a ménage. And only The Spirit Time knows the reason why...