Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Second Coming....

I lost Round 1 at the age of 18....

I could lose Round 2 very quickly soon..

I didn't realise it the 1st time... but now I do...

I can lose...but I won't...

I died at 18...

But my soul refused to leave me...


Why...because,It still had life....

It refused to die...

Round 1 was over...Round 2 is heading to an end...

I died then...I can die now...

I die now...and that's it!

But I choose to win...

I choose to fight...

for my soul...

Who hung in there ...

when no one did...

when no one else cared...

when everyone else went away...It stayed....

I lose now,I dunno if it'll still stay...

May or may not...

don't think it has much strenght left...

Its my time now...

Redemption is a beautiful thing...

Don't make this ugly....

I know something that No one else does...

I know that...


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