Life is like a musical instrument, isn’t it? What notes we play determine how the composition will end; either beautifully or otherwise...
So if we play good, honest tunes, there’s no doubt that the great music conductor orchestrating from the heavens will surely show his happiness.
So what if someone says, “Oh, but I’ve got the worst musical instrument…Defective right from Day 1!”…
Well, I guess this person doesn’t know what an after-sales service is...
You see, God is a wonderful salesman… an honest one too… (well, You hardly get excellent salesmen with sincere attributes these days!)
When God gave you the musical instrument, he expected nothing in return for himself…rather, he expected in return that you play the musical instrument to its fullest potential. That was all that he wanted!
God realized, if I made everyone equal, people wouldn’t appreciate how different each of them was. So, he decided, in his grand plans, that he will create everyone differently, but will treat each one of them equally.
Now, let’s say, you got the worst musical instrument… So what’s its problem? Is it not playing well?
You should first be congratulated for understanding why your instrument is not playing well!
Ever thought of repairing it???
Ok, So now you get down to repairing it… ;) Here’s how you should ideally do it!
Step 1:
Put the instrument right before your eyes. Check it and see where it is that you can’t play it.
Step 2:
Observe that area carefully. Analyze (but don’t overanalyze!) how it should be, how it is, why it is, etc … (That’s why I said, analyze…don’t overanalyze!)
At this stage, you should probably have found out now that there is an ‘XYZ’ defect in your instrument.
Step 3:
Now that you know, solve it…Here are some handy tips to get you on the right trail.
1. If the instrument has come apart, what should you do?
a) Cry…bawl…and bicker “Why has it come apart????”
b) Wonder, “WTF do I do?” for the rest of your life.. OR
c) Take a bottle of Glue/ Fevicol and paste it back.
2. If the instrument has strings, and they’re broken, you:
a) Take the broken strings and hang yourself with them tying them around your neck
b) Wonder, “WTF do I do?” for the rest of your life.. OR
c) Go and buy new strings and put them on…
3. If the instrument has a foreign object inside it, You:
a) Allow it to dominate your instrument for the rest of its life
b) Wonder, “WTF do I do?” for the rest of your life.. OR
c) Get some tool and remove it.
Now, in all of the above questions, I believe that option (c) is the best option. It’s not like I have purposely kept the best option as (c), but then ‘c’ sounds cool… ;) :P
So, you see, no matter whatever is wrong with your instrument, there IS ALWAYS an option to repair it. And the best part is, we all have choices… The choice we make in trying to fix the instrument determines how effectively we will maintain the instrument.
So, to save us from all costs arising from after sales service (and also having the foresight in knowing that all the Customer Care Angels in heaven will be terribly tied up as the number of instruments in the world increase day by day), he devised a system where we, humans, could determine what is wrong with the instrument and fix it ourselves...
The system was initially called “Application System of neurotic strength to derive solutions using typical means without overexerting the utilization of resources”… But knowing that all aren’t God, he decided to call it “Common Sense”…
So, the next time you moan about the defective ‘maal’, thank God that he didn’t decide to junk you in the Rejected category! :P
I have used Musical instruments as a metaphor for life because everyone loves music…
Even the deaf love music. Beethoven was deaf, but didn’t he go on to become the greatest musician of all time?
A lady who was blind, deaf, unable to speak, went on to become the greatest known authors and activist… She passed her Bachelor of Arts despite living with such conditions…The lady, Helen Keller lived through it all, and didn’t let these shortcomings affect her.
So no matter what shortcomings you face, you are equal in God’s eyes, and he expects you to solve the problems yourself.
Once you commit yourself to solving the problem, God’ll make sure that he carries you through the end…
So, coming back, hope we’ve played a nice tune together.
There will be people who will play great tunes in your life. They can be anyone- Mum, dad, brother, sister, best friend, good friends, relative, anyone… So understand the music, because they are playing a part of themselves for your comfort…
Life is a musical Instrument, play it with full “Energico”! So that when you go ahead for a new Instrument, God will say “You know, you played the previous instrument so well, that I think I’m gonna give you a much better instrument this time…” And then you realize why some people have better instruments than some other.
Happy playing!